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29 Sep

A Vintage-Style Revolution Brewing in Namibia, Africa

Published by Jacqueline R. Jones  - Categories:  #lifestyle, #art

A Vintage-Style Revolution Brewing in Namibia, Africa

Namibia, a country in South West Africa is distinguished by the Namib desert along the Atlantic Ocean Coast. The country is home to diverse wildlife, a significant cheetah population including a popular fashionista by the name Lourens Loux Gebhardt.

Lourens Loux Gebhardt is a fashion designer, stylist, fashionista, tailor and a blogger who writes the blog Loux The Vintage Guru.

Lourens is determined to inspire and encourage Africans to embrace Vintage. He says ” many vintage fashion vendors in Africa don’t realise the value of what they are selling. Many people aren’t interested in wearing vintage, they just see it as used clothing… I manage to dress myself cheaply and end up looking like a million bucks,”

Check out Lourens Loux Gebhardt Street Style! He is determined to inspire “African Fashionistas” with merits of Vintage dressing.

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